January 12, 2015
Careful examination of this photo reveals the truths of that statement. Somehow along the path, we have forgotten the scale in which we can change humanity. The happiness of these young boys, and the pride in their accomplishment juxtaposed with their surroundings is a statement in itself. Innovation does not only work on the scale of million dollar productions, but rather on a more personal level.
One characteristic they possess is the art of sacrifice.

Books are not written for the passive members of a society, but rather for those who take a stand.
The kids in this photo are no different than the ones which surround us daily, in that they look up to us as role models. Our daily decisions truly affect their future more than our own. Great innovations have consideration of humanity at their core, using happiness as their fuel. Many great innovators such as Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, who made changes for humanity as a whole share similarities. One characteristic they possess is the art of sacrifice. Their lives were dedicated to the improvement and equality of mankind, enduring pain in their journey.
This may be a morbid perspective, but none of us will be here forever. Do you want to be part of another generation that contributed to the problem? Or rather the first generation, who as a whole sacrificed for the betterment of the future. Don’t let your current “comfort” be the reason for disregarding the quality of life of others. Books are not written for the passive members of a society, but rather for those who take a stand.
Imagine how beautiful the world would be if you look inside yourself to improve. By enlarging the scope in which we care, we allow true innovations to happen.
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