WATG CEO, David Moore, on Expanding Horizons

October 17, 2024

transformative changes

WATG’s CEO, David Moore, reflects on his first three years of leadership, where strategic growth and innovation have been key drivers for the firm. Since taking the helm, David has led WATG through transformative changes, expanding its reach beyond traditional hospitality design and focusing on new areas such as gaming, luxury multifamily, and senior living.

A Broader Vision for the Future

When David assumed the CEO role, WATG’s portfolio was heavily centered on hotels, interiors, architecture, and landscape design. Recognizing an opportunity to evolve, he set out to broaden the firm’s offerings. “We knew we could expand the hospitality realm,” he states, pointing to new ventures in multifamily housing and senior living. The gaming industry also presented untapped potential, especially with the firm’s established presence in Las Vegas.


Strategic Growth through Talent and Mergers

David underscores the importance of bringing in specialized talent to lead these new ventures. His vision involved assembling teams of experts to collaborate with WATG’s long-established hospitality groups, ensuring seamless integration of new services. He emphasizes the critical role of leadership in driving this growth, from key hires to restructured business operations.

This strategy also considers ways to bolster WATG’s capabilities. Notably, he discusses the recent acquisition of SOSH, a gaming-focused design firm based in Atlantic City, which will strengthen WATG’s gaming sector globally. “Our companies coming together as one will enhance our whole gaming experience for our clients worldwide,” David explains.

Expanding the Geographic Footprint

Another key initiative under David’s leadership is WATG’s expansion in the United States. While the firm has deep roots in Honolulu and California, the opening of a new Dallas office signals a significant move into the Sunbelt, where demographic shifts are creating high demand for development projects. This geographic diversification, along with a renewed focus on the East Coast through the New York and Atlantic City offices, allows WATG to better serve clients across multiple time zones.

Building for the Future: Talent, Technology, and Innovation

David stresses that the company’s progress relies heavily on attracting and retaining top talent. “It starts with the talent,” he says, crediting key hires with reshaping the company’s structure, improving operations, and aligning WATG with industry standards.

As WATG looks ahead, the integration of AI and other emerging technologies is set to redefine how the firm approaches design and business operations. Technology will be a pivotal factor in the company’s strategy, with AI and data influencing everything from design processes to client interactions.

A Bold Strategy for the Next 80 Years

With nearly 80 years of history, WATG is poised for continued growth. David’s forward-looking vision and dedication to evolving with the market in combination with new talent, expanded services, and cutting-edge technology, promises to keep WATG at the forefront of the design industry.

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